Rainy Days
We have had some rain after a long dry spell. The spring was getting low, but still a steady flow to the pond. After two days of storms, there's no flooding here, but the water is finally rising. If I leave the cat food out in the open, the bowls fill with water and the food is ruined for most of the cats, but the possums and skunks still eat it. I have a cover large enough for one bowl and I set the double bowl under the edge of the spring platform to keep them fairly dry. I moved the feeding from the cul de sac over to the back gate - street runoff washes bowls away. I've been thinking of building a simple box-like shelter (open on two sides) to put the food bowls under.
The cats that live to the east have been coming to the spring; Fluffy, Nike, Betty, and Eastside. I think the neighbors have been away most weekends, so they haven't had food out consistently. Their porch is still a good shelter from rain and has some nice soft bedding for them.
Boot, has been one of the eastern cats, but now occupies the middle area more. Most days he is waiting for me to set food on the cul de sac, but keeps at least a ten foot distance from me, retreating if I approach. Thomas, Tanya, and Bobbie seem to get along with him well with no fights. When I see him he is always oriented towards me and watching. Perhaps he is gaining more trust.
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