Finally! Fluffy has been trapped. Most days for about a month I have spent 45 minutes to an hour watching for him or checking the trap. He has been trapped enough that he knows the risk of taking the bait. I was cautious not to make him more fearful of the trap. If I triggered it and he was hit by the edge of it or I missed him all together, there would be no chance of getting him again. He has mastered darting into the trap, grabbing a bite of bait and running out without stopping. I baited the automatic live-trap a few times, but he would not go near it.

Today, my neighbors were away and didn't feed the cats in their yard yesterday of this morning. The cats were hungry. I baited the trap and waited almost 30 minutes while Thomas, Nike, Tanya, and Boot ate their fill. While the others ate, Fluffy watched me while I sat thirty feet away waiting to pull the cord. He circled the trap. He sniffed the trap. He grabbed a quick mouthful, running through behind Boot. I waited, not giving up this time. One last time circling while Boot was eating, then underneath and committed to eating. Head down in the bowl. A swift pull on the cord and both Boot and Fluffy were trapped. Boot tried to get out. Fluff laid down and remained still. Boot easily exited to the transfer cage and was released. Fluffy didn't move.

I waited, not wanting to be too aggressive with him. I tried encouraging him with a stick. I lightly rattled the edge of the trap. He stayed where he was. 

It was when I dragged a lawn chair across the patio that he moved. A noise that he was unfamiliar with. Into the transport trap and now in the big dog crate in my house. Tomorrow morning he goes to the vet to have the remaining stitches removed from his eyelid and we will see how well he has healed.

While I was working at getting Fluffy into the transport trap, Thomas and Tanya were nearby watching it all happen. Thomas actually came up to me, rubbed on my leg and let me scratch behind his ears - no fear of my trapping activity. He has seen it happen many times. I think that he was asking me what my plans were for the leftover bait.


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