The cats have adjusted to having a large tree across the feeding area. Betty and Ranger are often seen relaxing on the larger branches. 

I've only seen Fluffy a couple times since his release. He is mostly staying to the east and I haven't had time to go 'cat watching'.

Bobbie has been eating at the spring. She doesn't let other cats get close to her except Thomas. If others come close she takes an aggressive posture and warns them away. They do not challenge her. I have not seen - or had time to search for Hellcat. 

There's a newcomer that looks similar to Bobbie. Generally Tabby markings, but darker than the colony cats with very pronounced stripes. From a distance I thought it was Bobbie, but when I called Bobbie's name, it ran away. I'm guessing it's a young adult under 2 years old. A little larger than Minnie.

Thursday - Saturday I'm going to try trapping Minnie and/or Sasha for a trip to the vet. They are both back on a consistent feeding routine and I expect it won't be difficult.


I'm curious if Sasha's ear has been tipped by a vet or if it was torn in a fight. I'm hoping to catch Minnie first and get the vet's opinion from a picture of her before I trap her. She is still nursing kittens that I have never seen.


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