August 3rd Update

 Kittens: Una's name works well. We like it and she responds. Her sister's name changes. This morning we settled on PJ - her appearance reminds us of comfortable pajamas with fuzzy slippers. *We have absolutely no naming convention. We throw names at them until one sticks. Una is very social with us and the other animals. She greets me near the door when I come home, asks for attention, and plays with the dogs and other cats. PJ is taking longer, but making progress. She accepts nose greetings from the dogs and will relax near them. When we try to pick her up, she retreats at about three feet. We are gradually coaxing her closer with cat toys on string.

A brown tabby showed up at feeding last night. I'm pretty sure that it was Molly, but it was hard to be certain in the dim light at dusk. This morning I fed them before dawn. Boot and Tanya have been coming to the spring for a few days rather than remaining in the neighbor's yard. This morning my flashlight revealed one eye looking back at me near the spring - it was Fluffy. He had kept in the neighbor's yard as well and seems to be expanding his range again. Hopefully I can trap him early next week to have the stitches out.

Molly in the fading light?

Bobbie is gradually moving closer to the spring. I stopped putting food out for her in the morning and now feed her in the evening at some brush by the cul de sac. Last night she came to eat alone, then a short time later she met Hellcat. I assume they went and finished the food together in the dark.


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