Kittens: Yesterday we let the kittens loose in the house for a few hours of semi-supervised play and exploration. Una was pretty bold, checking everything out and playing with toys. Patches explored, but mostly found places to hide and observe from. Today they were out almost all day. They both had a good time in the morning and Una chased Scout around for a little while. Scout played well, Miso got a little bit hissy, but didn't fight. After their mid-day goat's milk both kittens disappeared for most of the afternoon. I finally found Una under a bed and Patches when she came running out of the bathroom that we keep the litter box in.

 Wilds: At the pole while I was there - Allie, Sally, Callie, Sasha, Betty, Tom, Ranger. Boots and Fluffy were on their way to the spring, but turned back to eat at the neighbor's porch when I put food there. 

I saw Hellcat in the tree house in the morning. As I approached she climbed deep into the far branches, but Bobbie emerged. I set some food at the garden fence for her and she ate it all.

Maybe tomorrow I'll bring the drop trap in the morning and catch Sally.


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