Technically Speaking, All Three Trapped.

 Saturday morning, without much hope after Friday night's trapping then losing Hellcat, I tried again at dawn. I baited the drop trap behind the neighbor's house, but only Fluffy, Nike, and Tanya were there. On a hunch and feeling some desperation, I walked by the old tree house where I had seen them before. Deep in the brush, I spotted white fluff and two small eyes peering back at me. I kept my distance and came back with the small trap. I don't leave traps unattended for long, but walked back home for a quick bite of breakfast. Less than ten minutes later when I returned, the white kitten was in the trap eating the food. The door of the trap was secure and the black kitten was trying to find a way in to get some of the food for herself. The black kitten ran to the brush and I grabbed the trap and brought the white kitten home to put in our large dog crate lined with cardboard.

Hoping to still catch the black kitten, I baited the trap again and placed it in the same spot. No kittens in sight. I went back home for some more breakfast. As I finished eating the eggs and potatoes I saw mamma Bobbie-Cat sitting across the street at the entrance to the garden where the trap was set. She was looking through the sliding door back at me. She took a few steps towards my house, then sat again by the street, looking in at me. I went out and she ran away when I reached the street. Sure enough, the black kitten was trapped. *Bobbie has always seemed to trust me and allowed me to be close enough to touch her except with the kittens nearby. 


I took the black kitten straight to the vet. A quick check-up and some 'Revolution' flea and tick medicine for both kittens. Now both kittens are together in the dog crate. They are not aggressive and were easy to handle for the medication. For now, their names are Una and Sweetie. We are going to work on getting them socialized to be with humans. Within a couple weeks I hope to have them in new homes with families. I will probably still put a trap out for Hellcat in the morning. I don't know that I want a third kitten in my care at this time. We'll see what happens. Maybe two is enough.

One of many good guides:


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