Smokey and Fluffy Trapped


Smokey trapped, vaccinated and released. I considered holding him overnight to let him recover, but he was ready to go early in the afternoon.


Fluffy trapped in the evening and spending the night in a cardboard lined dog crate in the house. He's going to get the wound by his eye checked and treated tomorrow. He stayed calm and cooperative. I think that he will be relatively easy to handle tomorrow.


The drop trap set in Ronnie's garden by the old tree house. I plan to leave it there for a couple days for the kittens to get comfortable eating there. I will not leave leftover food there in the evening unattended because it will attract other animals. The black kitten let me get within six feet before it retreated and it came back to the food when I stepped away. I hope to trap three at once, but I'll take two if it looks like the best opportunity.


I checked on Nike at the neighbor's porch. She looks good and healthy now. I'm making sure that she has plenty of food while the neighbors are away.


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