The feeding schedule was off over the weekend due to my travels and that stressed some of the cats. Last night when I put food out, Minnie came down the stone steps making a low tone from within her throat. Not a meow or growl, but clearly a warning or expression of agitation. I was slow to put the food out and she paced through the cats that were gathering at the pole, then stomped off to see if there was food at the spring. On her way, she growled in Tanya's face. Tanya swatted her. Cat fight! Minnie ran up the slope above the spring with Tanya striking her. I called their names, "Tanya, Minnie stop it." and clapped my hands a few times. Deep in the brush, the fighting stopped. All the other cats were frozen in place staring at me.  ...back to feeding. This morning it was all back to normal. Most of the tails up in the calm, friendly expression. Minnie eating peacefully at the pole with the main colony and Tanya at the spring.

Fluffy has swelling and a lump over his left eye. At first, I thought it was a wound from a fight. On closer inspection I think it's a bee sting. He likes to chase and catch bugs and it looks like he has been rubbing it in the dirt. This morning it looks like the swelling is going down.


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