Minnie, Sasha, and Sally

 Minnie hasn't been at feedings for two days. I expect that she is busy dealing with her kittens. She had them a day or two before I took this picture - June 9th 2024.

She had a huge belly up until then. I'm guessing that I won't see the kittens until early August (if they survive). This evening I saw her running along the wall at the western neighbor's house as the others were eating. I expect that she waited until after I left to get some food for herself.

Sasha is getting very large and I expect her to have kittens within a week. Both Sasha and Minnie appeared pregnant within a couple weeks of my first sighting of them. Here's Sasha at dinner tonight.

Completing the trio of females that showed up a couple months ago is Sally. She has a similar face to Sasha, but her coat shows dark stripes up her back. Reminds me a lot of Shelly, a kitten that disappeared about a year ago. 

Last note for this evening, I'm happy to see that Nike is on the eastern neighbor's porch regularly in the evenings now. She seems to have joined up with Eastside, as the two have almost always been spotted together since I released her. Left to Right: Nike, Eastside, Boot (on the stair).


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